What we do


Design with purpose.

You have a business. And hopefully you have a purpose that compliments that business.

As is natural, you want your business to make a profit, but you also want to change the world and make it a better place.

At Smart Humans, we understand that.

Our purpose is your purpose.

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But… is your branding, your marketing, your social media, your website helping you achieve that goal, that purpose?

We believe they all should. And they should make your life easier. Not more difficult.

And that’s where Smart Humans can step in and help you and your business.

Using our Smart Strategy and discovery system we analyse your brand, taking business and economic goals into consideration. We then apply solutions dependent on what you need based on both our analyses to improve and enhance your brand and get it out to the wider world.

Those solutions can come in many shapes and sizes — from a new logo, brand voice and photography, to a new website and integrated marketing campaign launched across all brand touch points, that includes social media.

These are just a few examples and it really all depends on where you are on your business journey. And where you want to go.

Remember, our purpose is to help you get there, while also, and crucially, helping you to change the world for the better.

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Our process.

As a creative agency dedicated to B Corps and like-minded brands, we combine the power of strategy with the flexibility of design and marketing.

In doing this, our aim is to bring you results that improve and push your brand, and therefore your business, to new heights and new profits, while at the same time energising your core purpose and your goals. 

For any business, whether you’re a solopreneur, a startup, or an established brand, we firstly recommend starting with our Smart Strategy system before moving onto Smart Design

Smart Strategy.

Standing out from the crowd and getting your voice heard in today’s world of business is no mean feat. At Smart Humans we have a secret weapon that helps you do just that.

We use the power and clarity of our Smart Strategy system to discover your brand strengths and business goals.

Smart Strategy will help you see clearer. It will give you laser focus and direction. If you haven’t already done so effectively, strategy determines your true cause, your true purpose. It also clarifies; your mission statement; your vision; your business road map; and crucially, it identifies your true target market and helps to create your tribe and valuable loyal superfans.

Smart Design.

Founded by Creative Director, Paul Solis, Smart Humans use something we like to call Smart Design  : :  which means that we partner and collaborate with a pool of talented creative professionals to bring effective solutions to your business.

Whether that be a new brand logo, a marketing campaign, a website, or all three and more, this approach gives us the valuable ability to put together an agile all-star Smart Team that is tailored to your specific needs. 

And as those needs grow, being flexible in this way allows us to expand or contract that team and easily pivot and innovate to meet the growing demands of your business.

See further below for a list of our creative services and capabilities.

Smart Results.

Results. We know that’s what you want.

Not average, not just ok, and certainly not just satisfactory results. It’s great results that you’re after. And so you should be.

When you partner with us and use the strengths of our Smart Strategy system combined with our Smart Design know-how, we can both take your business from being an ok business, to being a great business.

You want your business to be as effective as possible and attract an audience of customers that are loyal, or have the potential to become loyal, to your brand. Those who love what you do, pay for your service and then go on to spread the word about how awesome you are.

You want Smart Results.

Our services and capabilities.

We love crafting beautiful, smart and inspired work that is focused on your business goals and your customers. We do this across multiple touch points to help you achieve those goals.

We combine the talents of a select all-star creative team with the power of the invaluable insights gleaned at the Smart Strategy phase.

Whatever your needs, whatever your cause, we have the skills and know-how to help your brand stand above the competition. 


  • Brand Strategy
  • Discovery & Research
  • User Experience
  • Positioning
  • Content Strategy
  • Marketing Campaigns


  • Brand Development & Rebranding
  • Naming
  • Design
  • Logo & ID Systems
  • Brand Style Guides
  • Messaging
  • Collateral, Print & Packaging
  • Environmental Design
  • Wayfinding & Signage
  • Iconography

Digital Development

  • Social Media
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Website Design & Development
  • UX / UI
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing
  • Prototypes
  • Custom Content Management Systems
  • iOS Applications
  • Web Applications
  • Android Applications

Content Production

  • Copywriting
  • Photography
  • Film / Video
  • Storyboarding
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • Motion Graphics
  • Explainer Videos
  • Post Production & VFX

Let's work together, for good.

Contact us

We’re based in Glasgow, Scotland.

The world is our office.

Get in touch with us at Smart Humans and let’s chat about how we can change the world for the better. Together.

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